We’ll work together closely over six months as you move into a greater state of living – a life of 200%. 

  • A foundation of the programme will be you starting and/or deepening a practice of meditation, awareness and mindfulness.

  • I’ll show you exactly what to do, answer all your questions and provide clarity on any difficulties or issues you face.

  • Open to both new and experienced meditators.

  • You will get to know your mind and all its tricks extremely well, enabling you complete freedom of choice in every aspect of your life.

  • This programme isn’t “just” about meditation and mindfulness – it’s about how to use the awareness and presence you gain from your practice to live 200% of life.

  • We'll walk step by step together as you learn how to make your life easier, simpler, and more profound, purpose-filled, productive and peaceful.

  • All sessions will happen via video meeting (Skype or Zoom).

  • Our first meeting will last 60-90 minutes. Subsequent sessions will happen every 2 weeks and last around 45 minutes.

  • For additional support, whenever you need it, I’ll be available via email or WhatsApp.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this programme.

When someone really wants more from life there's a real magic and synchronicity that starts to happen for them, and quickly.

This is a unique opportunity to have all the help you need to end stress, negativity and overwhelm, master the inner game and live the best life possible.
