What do you know?


“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
— Mark Twain

There are so many rules you could buy into, so many “you musts” and “don’t do this’s”…

Be open, take guidance for sure, but when you tune in to your heart, truly, what do you know? What’s right for you?

It’s a fine thing to do, to dance to the tune of your own music.

Before I was a monk, when I first met the Ishayas, I got frustrated with them. I wanted someone to tell me what to do in order to live well, and the Ishayas kept pointing the finger back at my own heart. They kept asking, “When you go within, what do you know?”.

It was so annoying back then, but now I see it’s ultimately the only way that works.

The Ishayas gave me a system, a practice, a set of vows; but it is solely orientated to finding, and living from, my own clarity.

What do you know?