Don’t make your mind the enemy

“When you happen to walk in a crowd, you do not fight every man you meet, you just find your way between. When you fight, you invite a fight. But when you do not resist, you meet no resistance. When you refuse to play the game, you are out of it.”

― Nisargadatta


One of the biggest things you’ll have to get over in meditation is the idea that you must silence the mind.

So many people come to me feeling like meditation isn’t for them, that they’re a failure because they’re the only ones who can’t make their thoughts go away.

In trying to stop the mind or our emotions, we’re battling something that will never be subdued. It’s like yelling into the wind – the more we yell, the more exhausted we become … and all in the name of peace, clarity, calm, and focus.

Crazy huh?

Soooo many people quit so early at meditation, because “I can’t stop my mind” … and well done, you’ve learnt the first lesson:

You can’t.

But it’s okay –

When properly guided, you’ll find meditation isn’t about the mind. Tranquility and calm and clear wisdom and freedom from suffering doesn’t come from stopping your thoughts or emotions.

You already know that your mind can be your best friend and your worst enemy.

The problem isn’t what the mind says, or how busy it is, but how attached you are to it – how much you are pulled this way and that.

Peace and clarity isn’t about where the mind goes, but how much you listen to it – how much choice you have in what you let capture and affect you.

Does that make sense?

You’re learning to let go of the mind – to step back from it – and see what else is here, right now. It’s not just about the present moment. It’s about your presence, now – and that is a beautiful thing.

The proper tools and the proper guidance will give you both of these things.

You’ll be free from the attachment yes, you will have rest and energy as you sink beyond the struggle, but most importantly you’ll find sanctuary from the ever changing weather of the mind …

Regardless of what’s going on outside, you’ll be high, dry, warm and free inside.

Makes sense right?

So don’t make the mind your enemy.

Stop battling and controlling.

Stress is the enemy of flow and creativity and inspiration. Relax into your practice, don’t fight control or strain at all.

Show up with integrity, show up fully – but with zero effort.

Your mind is less a tyrant than a frightened child. Have that kind of relationship with it.

You have a mind and you have emotions, but you are not your thoughts or your feelings.

Get good at the difference between allowing your thoughts and feelings to be there, but not being lost in them.

You are that which is aware of your mind, aware of now – and that’s the missing piece of the puzzle. Find that out and be it as much as you can.

Forgetting never counts, remembering does. Keep stepping back and you’ll get great at that.

And let me know if I can help with any of this!

Go well,



For the first time in many years (lockdown, children etc etc), I’m opening up a handful of in-person one-one spots.

Time and space with me, all to yourself, at the beautiful Temple Lodge.

What do you need? What do you want?

If you’re interested, get in touch and we can talk that through.

Just hit reply. Talk soon!


Or come and do the Ascension course – learn to master your mind and live supremely well – with a bunch of very cool people.

Next course is 7-9 July (starts 7pm), here in Richmond, North Yorkshire.

Let me know if you want more details.