In 25 days time …

“Joy, peace and love aren’t spiritual goals. They are the starting point for living sensibly.”

— Sadhguru


You step through a green door in a stone wall in the cobbled streets of the small Georgian market town of Richmond, North Yorkshire.

You can actually feel the peace of the garden and house as you leave the streets behind.

You’re here to learn Ascension meditation with 19 others – some new like you for the first time, some repeating.

Sitting down in your comfy chair, the stress of the last few weeks dissolves as you settle in.

You’ve always wanted to learn to meditate and calm an over-active mind, finding a reliable way of being more mindful and present and focused and less mindless and reactive,

And you finally made the plunge.

It’s fascinating.

You always thought meditation was about stopping your thoughts, but I’m telling you to let your thoughts run while you easily come back to the words of the first Ascension technique.

It’s new and different, much easier than you thought it would be – and certainly relaxing.

You open your eyes and although it felt like you “did” very little, the rest and calm and presence is palpable in the room.

As the weekend goes on it gets simpler and makes more and more sense.

You look around the room and see people’s demeanour change.

Are you imagining it? Or can you actually see their stress leave their faces, softening with more smiles, brighter eyes?

The truth is you also feel more relaxed and more alive than you have in years.

Can it be this simple? Just a matter of doing it, easily?

Time will tell – and it does.

The direction and reminders from me after the course means you don’t let Ascension be just a nice weekend.

Even though you’re busy, you practice and find life is just so much easier, effective and enjoyable with Ascension than without,

So you look forward to doing it …

and you find you quickly return to a sense of you that’s been missing for years:

Calm, clear, more courageous even. Free of over-thinking and worry, resentment and stress – you feel present and alive with a great sense of humour, back in the drivers seat of your life.


So –

Do you want this to be you?

There’s only 2 courses left this year.

29 Sept - 1 Oct and 10-12 November (both start 7pm Friday),

With only 7 seats left for the Sept course.

If you want one, get in touch as soon as possible. After all, there’s only 25 days left!

Here’s the link to get in direct contact with me for all your questions –

Talk soon!

Go well,
