Rules to live by?

“He wrapped himself in quotations - as a beggar would enfold himself in the purple of Emperors.”

― Rudyard Kipling


It’s school holidays so time is short for me. Instead of something long and drawn out, here’s a few ideas that I tend to circle back around to time and time again.

My life is better when I stick to the truly important things. Remembering the important things is therefore vital.

Taking some time, every day, to align with them means I can stay headed in the right direction and not veer too far from my path.

What do you do to remember? What are some "rules" for your life?

Anyhow, have a look and let me know what’s missing.


What you focus on grows.

You live where your attention is.

Is this happening to you, or for you?

The urgent stuff is never-ending and forgettable. Make your life about what is truly important to you.

Everything happens for a reason, but you won’t always know the reason.

Right now, all is well.

Find the flow of each and every moment.

Progress over perfection.

Even if you can’t see the top of the stairs, keep stepping.

Fall down 8 times, get up 9.

You are perfect. And there’s always more to grow into.

Fear isn’t the problem. Waiting to stop feeling afraid is.

Occasionally being uncomfortable is the best thing for you.

Enjoy every single moment. Make the most of what you have.

Less haste, more speed.

The top of the mountain won’t give you what you expect. Smell those roses along the way.

Giving to others is vital, but giving to yourself means you can.

Don't let the meaning of life be given to you; it’s up to you to decide.

Freedom doesn’t necessarily come from doing nothing, but from being able to do the things that light you up.

Pain might be inevitable, but suffering is optional.

You create heaven and hell by your patterns of thinking.

Life is for living. Don’t think too much about it.

Give it a shot. You have nothing to lose but the regret that you didn’t try.

Realise the worst critic is the one that lives between your ears – and have compassion knowing everyone else is the same.

Don’t be lukewarm, don’t go for 7 out of 10. Be all in, or all out.

This life is so precious. You never know how much time you have left. Live this moment well.


Maybe that descended into cliché, but what the hey. You have something to start making your own rules of life to live by.

Let me know what you find.

And go well,
