Just make now as good as you can

“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.”

— Masaru Emoto


“When will you get this right?"

I’d often find myself yelling this to no one, but mainly myself.

I’d get so frustrated when I’d let myself down,

When I'd not speak my truth when called to do so, lose my temper at something petty, say something nasty about someone, maybe I was too distracted in my Ascension practice … etc, etc, etc.

Here’s a very important thing to see.

In the inner journey – or any journey – be careful of the “helpful” voice that is actually criticism and self-violence.

A journey to heaven does not go through hell.

It doesn’t actually help, it just makes your journey through life and becoming more present so much harder.

I know you want to better and to be better.

So you forgot, you slipped up …

Maybe you go apologise, but the thing is to just get back on the horse asap.

And self-forgiveness is key to doing this.

That is the learning:

Don’t go for right, go for what you can do now.

What do I mean?

Do this:

1). Stop and start again.

Just make NOW as good as you can. Just now.

2). Be forgiving.

Don’t make this an excuse to beat yourself up. It’s actually an excuse to do the opposite.

3). Don’t worry about when you forget.

Emphasise when you can remember – like right now.

4). Make remembering a priority.

Have the intention, practice, make it first and last in your day – then it has a chance of actually happening.

Make it a necessity, not a luxury or a “When I get around to it”.

5). Be in for the long-game

This is not a hack. Success takes gentle persistence.

One step in the right direction, with many more following, and it happens.

You create a better tomorrow by making now as good as you can.

And it’s the one thing you can do … simply remember now. Just now. And now.

It’s a journey of single steps; a journey of nows!

Go well and have fun,



For me, the best way to reset to now without self-violence as well as resetting those habits and reactions that mean I’m super self-critical of myself is Ascension meditation.

It’s the way forward if you’re truly interested in being less judgmental and violent with yourself, and with everyone around you.

Because let’s face it: we’re all going to mess up. The question is how you’re going to deal with that.

7-9 July (starts 7pm Friday)

Let me know if you want further details.