You do the things you love to do because they make you forget

“You can't do big things if you are distracted by small things.”

— Anon


Ya know, you do the things you love to do because they make you forget.

They suspend life for a moment or three because you’re so involved in what’s in front of you.

In these activities, you can become completely immersed, completely absorbed.

And Flow happens.

There are degrees of/depths to Flow (nothing in life is black and white, is it?) …

But it doesn’t matter if you’re whitewater kayaking or knitting, ultra running or watching a great movie, doing meditation or having a wonderful conversation,

You transcend the mind and the past and future, you come so completely present and mindful, you connect with life on a much deeper level,

That the small, limited, worried and stressed you vanishes.

It’s a beautiful state of STER –



– our internal “manager” goes offline – the part of our brain that wants to keep us safe but ends up makes us small, doubting, self-critical, worried, even resentful and angry vanishes.


– time warps – moments seem like hours or hours can seem like seconds.


– although you might be working very hard, it feels smooth, graceful, perfectly timed, even effortless.


– the whole experience of the moment comes alive. The senses “pop”, they take on a remarkable clarity.


If you want to know more, Flow is a researched phenomenon. Look up Steven Kotler or Jamie Wheal for details, it’s fascinating.

But –

I got my appreciation for Flow from my days as a swimmer, in the outdoors – kayaking and snowboarding and running up hills, but also from just doing life.

The difference between doing stuff with a heavy mind versus in the graceful zone of Flow was spectacular.

The thing is, once you know Flow, you can be forever chasing more of it,

Simply because it makes everything better, richer, fuller, complete.

(Now, note that the means by which someone thinks they’ll get more Flow might not make a better life, right? Plenty of people are constantly looking for that next high – sometimes by any means necessary.)

Flow is certainly why I became a monk.

This is what I’ve found –

You can have more regular Flow in your life, it doesn’t have to be a happy accident. Once you know the triggers, you can get more, any time.

One of the key things is your ability to be absorbed in the moment.

It’s why Steven Kotler says, “Flow follows focus”.

Now, your focus does depend on what you are doing,

But it also depends on your ability to apply your attention to the moment you find yourself in.

Does that make sense?

We often believe it’s the task/situation/people that make us happy and fulfilled …

i.e. when you do something or are around people that are interesting and fulfilling, you apply yourself to the moment more.

This is true.

So #1 top tip is to do more of what you love, because Flow bleeds out into every part of life.

Even when you’re busy, take time out to do the things that bring you closer to Flow, because it’s contagious and you can do your to-do list with more Flow.

So, do what you love, more.


You can also choose to focus more, regardless of what you're doing or who is around you.

Learn to ignore distractions and apply yourself, and everything becomes interesting and fulfilling.

Your focus and your attention brings whatever you shine it on to life. Anything and everything. Your focus is enlivening.

This is a big thing because distraction and a lack of focus is the modern epidemic.

You can be in the most wonderful place, surrounded by incredible people you love, doing your most fun thing, but be completely absent. Right? Mindlessly wishing/thinking/regurgitating/worrying.

So if you want more rich, fulfilled and fulfilling moments …

(And that’s what I want!)

Learn to be more focused and present and mindful.

Do what you love but remember that you get to love what you do, too. Focus means you love everything you do.

It’s another example of why you don’t do a meditation practice like Ascension to get good at meditation,

You do it to get good at life.

To have more amazing moments –

Regardless of what you are doing.

So, don’t let life happen by chance.

You get to decide how much Life is in your life.

Go well!

And let me know how I can help.



You know what’s coming …

Look, I bang on about Ascension meditation because of the change in me, the freedom it gave me to redefine all of my life.

To actually show up for it, and to enjoy all of it.

To focus without doubt and anger and worry.

To be free of needing anything or anyone.

If you're vaguely interested, let me have your questions.

Reply, or here’s the link to my Facebook messenger –

Drop me a line and tell me what you’re looking for, and we’ll chat to see if this is actually a good thing for you.

If not, I’ll honestly point you to the many other great things out there.

But next course is 7-9 July (starts 7pm Friday) so be in touch soon if you'd like to be on that one.

Talk soon!