You’ll never see the top of the stairs

“Just because you can’t see the whole stairway … doesn’t mean you don’t take the first step.”

— Martin Luther King


Life is about stepping up to the next step, even – and especially – when you don’t know.

The fact is, we never know.

We THINK we know … but it’s all a guess, an assumption, a possibility. Isn’t it?

It’s important to plan, but as you know with the best laid plans and all that … reality tends to mess with the greatest ideas. Hold them lightly!

What you DO know is what is here, right in front of you.

This is known; this moment is real.

And this is the beauty of this idea, this practice —

Live here. Don’t get too ahead of yourself. Stay where your feet are.

Even though you will never really see the top of the stairs, that's okay.

All you have to do is pay attention to the very next step.

Instead of floating off into the future, get present.

The next step is manageable, the next step you can do. The next step is not stressful or struggle-some.

You may have to make a decision, "Yes or No?" – but you can do that, and you must. Sitting on the fence just hurts.

But seeing the top of the staircase?


No one can do that – and when we try it freaks us right out, we shut-down. Nothing happens.

It is said that you are never given more than you can cope with.

When you try and take in the whole staircase at once, that may seem a lie.

However, when you break it down to a step by step journey, you can cope with anything.

You can cope with absolutely anything when you stay where your feet are.

And as MLK also said,

“Keep moving. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. But keep moving.”

Make your life about the next step.

Make sense?

Prioritise that and see what happens. Report back too – let me know. I'd love to hear.

Talk soon and go well,



Want to really nail down the habit of staying where your feet are without your head always dragging you off into time-travelling?

There’s two more Ascension meditation courses left for 2023.

The next one is this weekend – we start Friday (29th, at 7pm), the next one is 10-12 November.

Maybe you’re learning new,

Maybe you want to repeat (which is free, forever) so you can re-engage and/or deepen your practice,

It’ll be time well spent, I guarantee that.

Get in touch for details.

Comment below or msg me and I’ll get back to you asap.

Talk soon!