What do you love?

"You must cultivate activities that you love. You must discover work that you do, not for its utility, but for itself, whether it succeeds or not, whether you are praised for it or not, whether you are loved and rewarded for it or not, whether people know about it and are grateful to you for it or not.

How many activities can you count in your life that you engage in simply because they delight you and grip your soul? Find them out, cultivate them, for they are your passport to freedom and to love."

— Anthony de Mello


I got up at 5am the other morning, drove 60 minutes to the start of a big adventure – a run I was a little intimidated by – and was met by dark and cold and wind and rain.

I almost gave up right there and headed back home. But instead I strapped my shoes on, took my warm coat off, and got going.

I had a ball, an absolute whale of a time. I also did something that I was very proud of. Something I almost missed out on because it seemed too big and too scary.

Every time I go to take a swim in the river I try and talk myself out of it. Every time I do it anyway and end up buzzing. It always seems too cold, too inconvenient, that I have too many ‘more important’ things to do.

And yet, what an injection of Life that comes from doing something a little out of the ordinary?

So much more!

Now, you may not be into mountains or cold rivers, and rightly so – but you have your thing, and so do you know what I mean?

In terms of something new and out of the ordinary, I like these beginnings of a new year. It feels like a chance to take a fresh start.

I guess what I’m getting at is this –

What will be your fresh start? Something you’ll introduce and/or want to be consistent with or grow?

Now –

Something like 99.62% of all New Years’ resolutions fail.

They fail because that little burst of excitement meets the reality of change, of getting down and actually doing something out of your comfort zone, and excitement falls over…

Too hard, too ‘not sure if I’m doing this right’, too uncertain, too tired, too dark and too cold.

If I could give you a pill that would bypass all that, it would be a pill of love –

So you can find things you love to do, but also love all that you do – even when it’s scary or cold or inconvenient or we’re a bit too ‘blah’.

Life is so short, love deserves more priority than we give it.

We fall into too many ruts of the same ol’ stuff, just taking care of business, without real concern for the proper business of taking care of the things that really give us some juice.

You know?

I don’t know many things –

But I do know that love is an antidote to all drudgery, all hardship, all confusion – and it’s something you can claim more of, in the middle of all of life’s trials. You can learn to choose to have more of it.

It takes time and practice and remembering, it takes ignoring what your own head says a lot of the time, but it’s so worthwhile.

So –

More love!

What do you love?

What are you curious about and interested in?

Fuel that, give your life consistent injections of those things, and just watch the flame of Life grow within you.

Go well!



Last reminder before I get onto something else –

Do check out my free workshop on how to be more mindful and live a more fun, focussed and calm life.

Here’s the link, and enjoy!


If you could do something for me? Have a watch, give it a go, and let me know how you found it?

And of course!

Come and learn Ascension (or repeat for free!)

Truly – it’s the best way I know to get more Love and Life in your life.

Next course is 9-11 February

Reply or send me a quick message on the link below and I’ll get back to you with more details.


Talk soon!