Dave, my friend from yesterday, also asks: How do I know I am meditating right? Good question.
If you go to the gym you kinda know what to expect if you have a good programme and you follow it.
You do the programme and get the six pack abs. Or whatever it is that you want.
Meditation is slightly different, but only because it’s likely you haven’t done it much.
“How should it feel, how should it be, what am I doing?”
Do worry if you’re doing it right or not, because…
The answer is found in consistency.
Consistency will show you everything.
You have to do it every day for a while to see what happens, to see what the results are.
You can’t just pick up a piano and expect to play Beethoven. Or Elton John for that matter.
You can’t just wander into a gym and bench press your body weight.
You can’t just swing into a car and drive like Nigel Mansell.
You need to practice.
And the practice gives you the results.
And the results give you the motivation to practice.
So here is the plan - the challenge:
1. just do it, right now, before things get painful, or just so things can be even better
2. do it every day, for ten minutes. Set an alarm/reminder and do it, regardless. If you’re a tough guy/girl do it twice every day. Rah!
3. set a calendar - do it every day for 30 days
4. tell people you’re going to do it. Facebook your mum and tell her too. They all won’t understand, but you aren’t doing it so they can understand, you’re doing it to be mentally awesome. And you’re telling them so you don’t sneakily give up - so you’re accountable!
5. reap the rewards. Be calm and focussed like a laser. Be happier than ever, for no reason. Develop a meditation “six pack” that every one will envy.
As my friend (I wish) Bruce Lee once said: “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus”.
Focus is a simple by-product of meditating every day.
So is happiness. Uncaused happiness. Is great, you should try it.
So is a sense of utter calm.
Work is mad, you are behind, there is no time, home is the kids running up the walls, there are bills to pay, meals to cook, you got to get to the gym or go for a run …
And you just don’t care. Well, you care, you just aren’t caught up in it all. You just deal with it, simply and as is required. Boom, boom, boom. Job done, next one.
Bottomless calm and clarity. Which is awesome too.
As always, if you need help in any of this meditating business, if you want a programme that just works without you thinking about it, you might be interested in jumping on the course I have coming up:
It’s going to be a hoot, and will be of immense value to you.
I’m so convinced of the fact I will give you your money back if, after doing the course, you think I’m delusional.
Prove me wrong, I dare you:
Take care - keep the peace! - Arjuna