Spend your time in a way that matters

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

— Maya Angelou


It’s school holidays, so I’m typing fast.

Sumati is holding the fort on our super energetic kids and their three cousins who are matching them for chaos and other fun things.

I say “I don’t have much time to write to you” but – and apologies for this – I really want to spend time with them and not you.

Sorry (not sorry!) again, but something that really shook up my priorities was this:

75% of all the time you will ever spend with a child is complete by the time they reach 12 years old. 90% is done by the time they are 18 years old.

My daughter is now 6. Yikes.

Time is precious – my time and your time.

While I aim to make these words so – if this isn’t serving you, get out as quick as you can!

Spend your time well.

Spend it in a way that satisfies you.

Spend it in a way that they will remember too.

Maya Angelou’s beautiful words about how they’ll forget just about everything except for how I made them feel resonates so much.

I have a game with my kids –

I say, “Guess what?” and when they say “What?”, I proceed to tell them how much I love them, and why.

They roll their eyes, they’ve heard it all before. They act bored, but you know, I think they like it.

I realised I was missing Sumati out, which is such an oversight. So she’s now in the game too.


The untrained human brain has a 9-1 negativity bias – which means the voice in our heads can be brutal.

(Which you probably already know).

As Bob Goff once said,

“Most people need love and acceptance a lot more than they need advice.”

So by making sure they know how much they mean to me, I get to help with their relationship with their own fears and self-criticism too.

Anyways ... love and appreciation goes such a long way. For me and them.

Give it a shot.

That’s me for this week, I’m over and out.

Go well,



Did you know … ?

A big part of Ascension meditation is appreciation, gratitude, love and compassion.

Which turns out is a fine way to calm and realign the craziest of minds.

The last course for 2023 happens very soon – 10-12 November (starts 7pm Friday)

If you’re interested in details, reply or msg me and I’ll get back to you asap.

Tap the link below and we’ll chat more:


Talk soon!