
Get More Time And More Done, With Time For A Cuppa Too

You have a busy life right? Juggling a family, a job, a career or business maybe, then there’s your fitness and fun times too …

It’s full on, I now know how much it is with this little 4 week bubba we got.

There’s not a lot of time to spare.

How do you get more time in your day?

This is what I know:

Time all depends on your mental and emotional state.

When you’re stressed and overwhelmed, time flies.

Frazzled and frantic? Everything speeds up.

You try to do more at the same time and time gets even faster.

Yet if you slow down and get really present,

If you protect your peace -

You get breathing space.

Time to consider and space to choose how you want to act,

Instead of reacting blindly.

You have the same amount of things to do -

But your internal clock is slower.

It’s the oddest thing -

If you want more time in your day, take time to close your eyes.

Weird huh?

Seems like the last thing you should do, because, well you have to hustle, you got things to do - right?

Yet taking time to get calm and clear and to recharge means you get more time.

You do more with less.

Awesome that is. Magic, even.

Prioritise your peace, defend it from stress and freneticism -

And you flow through life so smooth, so gracefully it’s a wonder.

Maintain that inner clock and the outer clock changes.

But you won’t know exactly how much until you do it, alright?

So get cracking.

If you'd like some sweet tools that make getting into a calm, clear, focussed and fun headspace simple?

Join us here: Keep the Peace! Arjuna


I know this will annoy some of you.

It will -

You'll be thinking, "he knows nothing about my life".

And you're right, I don't.

But ask yourself - do you enjoy being stressed and snappy and agitated?

I know all about that ^^^

I know all about the (false) belief that nothing can change until the situations and the circumstances and the people in my life change.

YET: What if it could?

Time to check out of the Matrix:

Thinking Too Much Will Kill You

Want to die from stress? No thanks - not me.

I'm not being dramatic - stress is the biggest cause of illness and early death in the West.

Everyone gets stressed and overwhelmed at some stage ...

And yet it is TOTALLY avoidable WITHOUT hiding away from the world.

>>> If you realise this one thing I’m about to tell you, that is.

It’s a handy little trick of awareness and mindset that means you can have a LOT of things going on all at once, and never feel strained at all.

No struggle, no overwhelm, no sense of “so much to do I just want to hide away”.

No early death.

Just efficiently dealing with each one to the best of your ability …

And cracking jokes along the way.

Full enjoyment of each and every moment.

Here's what's happens when you get overwhelmed:

You're simply carrying too much in your head.

Your whole to-do list is buzzing around in that tin can of yours, fighting for solutions and attention.

You're trying to anticipate the future already too -

Better get that crystal ball out, huh?


No one can multitask-

It's a myth.

But you'll try to anyway.

When you try and think about numerous things at once,

As well as trying to predict the future,

The result is stress and feeling like you're swamped, sinking, struggling.

No fun. No efficiency.

And that early grave.

Unfortunately you also don’t give your full attention to the one thing that is in front of you.

The one thing you CAN actually do.

So what seems like a good strategy for productivity and responsibility in your life isn't really at all.

It's thinking too much that causes the stress that will kill you.

Interesting huh?

Your head is the source of your stress, not your to do list.

Which is good news:

You can't always to do something about your to do list BUT you can do something about your head.

Train your head to focus on this moment in time, on this thing, and then the next thing.

One thing at a time.

It’s the only sane, efficient solution.

See where your head wants to do everything at once,

Where it’s carrying the next thing -

And drop it.

Return to now.


I realise this is easy to say and much harder to do, but to make it so simple for you it becomes automatic and natural:

To get freedom from thinking too much and stress, go here: Take it easy out there! Arjuna


Need anything?

Just ask me

You Ever Thrown A Computer Across The Room?

I had wonderful plans for today’s blog … I had a story about adult gorillas,

And how being like them instead of like your average human being means you can be better at life -

Smarter, more self-sufficient, more capable, and actually thriving,

With a great sense of humour (not many people know that about gorillas)

Instead of slowly dying, swamped by stress and distraction, slowly sleep walking towards the grave.

Like so many people do.

I realise this is harsh as I write it.

I’m the least harsh person I know actually - (haha, aren’t we all)

The only reason I put that in was to give you a little jolt.

To wake you up and make you realise you can live life differently.

You can make different choices, and it’s worth everything to do that in terms of how alive you are,

How much calmer you are,

How better your relationships will be,

How much satisfaction you will get out of each and every moment.

I was going to make a video explaining it all,

And tell you nicely how Ascension meditation has given me the tools so I honestly feel like an adult gorilla

How everyone I teach who just gets down and practices it has the same experience …

But alas, technology got in the way.

My computer.

No matter what I tried, input did not equal output.

You know what I’m talking about.

In the old days I would have lost it, thrown a man-tantrum and ruined my whole day,

But I learnt that ain’t much fun.

And the cost to replace the laptop that got thrown on the floor builds up doesn’t it?

I did my best and I had to give up.

I had to “check myself before I wreck myself” (love that cheese)

My peace of mind and quality of life is too important to me.

And MOST importantly - no quality of work gets done when I’m stressed.

It’s a complete waste of time trying to do anything.

So - it’s on hold.

The adult gorilla story is to be continued …

Question for you though:

How often do you get frustrated and annoyed at inanimate objects?

(Actually I don’t think computers are unconscious …

I think they can sense stress, and like to mess you up

It’s their “sense of humour”)

But how often do you kick something or swear at something because it’s not doing what you want it to?

Isn’t that a little insane?

I can understand a little annoyed, but furious?

Is madness.

You lose all perspective and effectiveness.

You can’t do what you want because you’re too emotional.

It’s the same when your kids kick off too -

Absolutely the same,

But they “should know better - I’ve told you enough times”….


Get clear, get calm, get some perspective …

Even if that means walking away,

And when you come back to it, everything will be easier and, well, better.

You can make better choices in clarity - and no longer regret throwing your kid / computer across the room.

Here’s the tools to get that, and cool writing like this direct to your inbox:

Take it easy! Arjuna - PS.

Gorillas are coming soon, very soon.


First Comes “Snap!” And Then Comes Regret

You ever fire off and spit something out at your good lady or gentleman or your kids - Because you saw red and then just let rip?

And then you totally regret it, oooh, about a second after it comes out of your mouth?

Yup, uhuh, for sure.

Snapping in haste and then regretting at your leisure.

I’ve done it, a lot.

I once did it to a very cool cat, a very trusting, affectionate guy.

I was doing yoga and he had his tail all in my face, all because I left the door open.

Instead of picking him up and putting him out what did I do?

I bit his tail. Pretty hard actually.

I regretted it straight away -

He was never the same with me. In fact he hid for the next couple of days.

I was so sorry, but I could never make it better, and all because I got pissed and took the short way.

Such is life and it’s lessons, huh?

Emotional reaction comes quick.

It comes from the part of your brain that is so much faster than your rational, long term thinking brain.

And for so many people, you don’t have the space to engage that long term brain because you are exhausted.

You probably don’t realise how exhausted you are. Science says statistically speaking, you aren't.

Especially if you have kids, alongside having to work, and wanting to do all the other stuff too.

Being triggered and emotions and snapping all come fast, seemingly without choice -

That brain is so much faster.

Good news though -

This brain can be managed, it can be re-programmed.

Exhaustion can also be relieved - even if you have a frantic life.

If you are interested in living a life where you don’t regret your words and actions,

Where you are proud of the way you respond and handle difficult situations,

Have a means of quickly recharging your batteries,

Of getting instant clarity, perspective and space in your head,

Then opt in here:

Go well! Arjuna

PS. Questions?

Let me have them - just hit reply.


If you do find yourself snapping - go easy on yourself, OK?

Apologise, try and make it better, but forgive yourself too.

You can get better at this stuff.


Worry And Other Gateway Drugs

Do you know that theory of drug misuse - That states drugs like marijuana are a gateway to other harder drugs?

So you smoke marijuana and end up selling yourself on the street for your next hit of crack?

It’s a dodgy theory (at best) for MOST people,

But - here something I know for sure:

Worry IS a definite gateway drug.

A slippery slope where you indulge a little and can easily end up prostituting yourself to the harder mental habits of panic and anxiety and OCD.

I’ve been there.

I used to worry about my front door being locked (true).

So I'd get halfway down the street and would go back to check it.

But then I’d worry that I didn’t lock it properly.

So I’d unlock and relock.

“But maybe something went wrong that last time?”

So I’d check again, and relock again.

And before you know it I’d develop this nearly full blown habit of checking and locking and unlocking and reloading -

Time and time and time again.

All because of worry.

It started to infect other things and really fill up my time: light switches, the oven, my car …

It was making me crazy.

Worry is a creepy little thought pattern -

Simply because it SEEMS useful.

Yet - worry rarely is.

Someone once said: Only worry if it’s useful.

If you can do something now - do it. If you can’t? You have to just leave it.

But then -

It SEEMS useful to check and recheck that the front door is safe.

It SEEMS useful to think and rethink about that big meeting tomorrow.

It SEEMS useful to worry and re-worry about the kids and what’s happening with them.

It SEEMS useful to obsess over so many things that are uncertain,

(all while you’re trying to get to sleep - of course)

Because it feels USEFUL. It feels like you are DOING something.

But for what sacrifice of quality of life??

It’s so ironic.

It was my pursuit for security that left me more paranoid and insecure than ever before.

Worry is a slippery little character.

Indulge in it a little and like a child it will grow.

Buddha said that.

Or maybe he said that about anger, I can’t remember -

But hey! It works both ways.

It’s not just the sleeplessness and the angst and the paranoia and panic that comes from overindulging in worry …

It’s the loss of being present to that which is going on right in front of you that’s worst.

You miss out on life itself.

Being distracted from your kids, your partner, your buddies around the coffee machine …

Life slipping by.

Worry is a gateway drug.

Be careful with it.

In fact, just don’t do it … alright?

Keep the Peace,



Need help getting off worry?

I have just what you need:

Understanding How Your Brain Works To Beat Bad Habits

Habits. Bad habits keep being mentioned as one of your number one challenges.

Stuff you do that you don’t like doing.

You know you’re doing them - you just don’t know how to stop.

Frustrating, isn't it?

Let me help a little.

Understand this about your brain:

You have a brain centre that is all about ease and short term reward.

You also have a centre that is in control of short term sacrifice for long term reward.

Now - I’m sure you realise all habits have momentum.

It takes time and persistent effort to overcome, to change.

You need the right motivation too - knowing why you’re doing something.

Now - The number one killer of all changing habits is stress and tiredness.

It’s a vicious cycle.

The more tired you are, the more likely you are to be stressed, which leads to more and more exhaustion.

When you get tired it’s easier to think with the short term “gimme gimme” brain.

The blood flow actually moves away from the long term brain.

(It shrinks in size too if you stay exhausted).

Instead of staying with the plan which will involve a sacrifice  - you give in and eat, drink, sit on the couch and do nothing, stay up way late flicking through Netflix or Facebook …

Your plan falls apart, you’ve failed again.

Less and less motivation because “nothing works”.


Guess what helps not only making you less stressed and less tired -

(and you probably aren’t aware of how tired you actually are)

But also activate the long term brain more and more?


Science that is ^^^

Any habit change plan should be based on meditation.

It gives you the foundation to make any change way easier.

With a smile on your face even.

Head here and let me help you:

Go well! Arjuna



Last chance to let me know what your biggest challenges are in terms of your levels of calm, focus and happiness …

As well as getting what you want from life …

Let me know, I really appreciate your answers.

Just email me at:


Thank you!

Do Dolphins Make You Angry Too?

Sumati was given this CD with a guided meditation to help with her upcoming labour … And it could well be the most annoying thing I have ever heard.

I’m not the target market for sure,

But as Sumati is a pregnant mum AND is scoffing big time too,

I’m not surprised meditation has a bad name when this stuff is out there.

One listen and you just want to burn something,

Not relax and be calm.

There are some good ideas, but:

The women’s voice has that “ideal” soft, supposedly peaceful, calming drone …

She talks about some things seriously disconnected from reality …

There is the sound of a wave crashing on a beach with pan pipes (urk) tootling away there too.

OH - And now the dolphins have come in

AHHHHHHH! Make it stop!

Sumati has it on at the moment and it’s awful.

Hahah - I was talking about triggers the other day wasn’t I?

Irritation is apparently a choice according to me.

Yet this thing remains a pet peeve of mine about the meditation “industry”.

I’ve met teachers who talk one way when discussing their day to day affairs,

Yet when they’re on duty their voice changes to something I suppose they believe is more “spiritual” or something.


Why not just deliver the facts of meditation and of life, as they are??

Why not help people without being silly about it?

Here’s the thing I have discovered:

You don’t need to change a thing about you.

You are you are you.

Meditation should be an extremely practical tool so you can become MORE you.

The biggest problem you have is that underneath it all you believe that you need to change in some way.

You don’t.

Once you see your patterns you may WANT to change - but that is far different from feeling like you SHOULD change.

You certainly don’t need to change to get calm, focussed and happier.

You just need to stop, regularly ...

Ignoring certain thought patterns is useful too.

But it is a simple matter of learning to direct your awareness.

Learning to bring it to the heart of the matter (which I can show you quicker than I can tell you), is incredibly restful and revitalising and means you can have an extremely effective and enjoyable life.

You need no pan pipes or “soothing” voices.

You don’t need an app - great places to start yes, but like trainer wheels on a bike.

They gotta come off some time.

You don’t need to be a vegetarian,

Or start speaking like some “guru”,

Or stop enjoying the rugby,

Or do anything you don’t want to do.

Be willing to grow and be educated, but trust what you know …


To get the simple, direct, and way more powerful way, head this way and I’ll show you: Go well - and be seeing you Arjuna


If you haven’t told me what your biggest challenge you're facing with your attitude / mindset and levels of calm, focus and fulfilment right now

Then do …

Just hit reply and tell me.

I really want to know and it’ll help me help you enormously.


Why You Get Stressed And How To Avoid It

I’m so stressed … Actually no, I’m not.

I’m a meditation teacher - and this one is walking his talk.

I have a reputation to uphold (haha - but more importantly my own peace to protect)

But the potential is there - it would have thrown me not too long ago.


I have a to do list the size of my arm, and as it all seems to be needing to be doing at the same time.

We’re moving into a new house and having a baby at the same time.

The house project manager is my father in law and he is the DIY king (which I am not).

So practical, organised, knows what to do when …

And he’s away in Norway.

Of course, everything is going wrong at the same time.

I got this and I got that, and then the phone rings and something else needs my attention, now.


So the potential to be stressed is huge.

Because I know myself, I know my head - I know what I need to do to avoid it.

What is the cause of stress - so YOU can avoid it?

The key thing is that you have left this moment in time.

You are no longer present.

The solution will always be to become present again.

Get out of your head. It’s not as useful as you think it is.

Now, that begs the question:

Why do you leave the present moment, think and feel too much and then get stressed and get a sick feeling in your belly and get ulcers?

Here’s a few reasons. I’m sure there are more, but this’ll do for a start:

1. You are thinking about all the many things you need to do.

You are trying to carry all of it in your head. There is so much that your head is overflowing.

Busy! Frantic!


No matter how busy you are, you can only do one thing at a time.

Do that one thing, be focussed on it and it alone.

Don’t try and speed things along by multi-tasking, you will slow and get stressed.

One thing at a time means you can give your whole attention to what needs be done.

That thing, then the next most important (yet not urgent) thing, then the next.

Don’t carry anything in your head. Write that down if you need to.

If you’re walking, walk. If you’re listening, listen. If you need to prioritise, sit down and work it out. If you’re driving, drive. And maybe sing along to the radio. That's ok.

Do what you are doing. Don't think and do. You'll get overwhelmed with a constant feeling of busy-ness.

2. You are thinking about all the things that might happen

You’re stuck into all the “what if’s?” … future surfing in other words.

If you need to plan for a future - sit down with someone and work through the possibilities.

Do what you can, let go of the rest.

Deal with the possibilities IF, and WHEN, they arise.

Don’t go over and over it in your head. Stay with what you know. Stay with what is right in front of you.

3. You are resisting what is happening

You get stressed when you try and resist an undeniable reality.

It is happening and you don’t like it.

If you can’t do anything? You must work with it.

Stuck in traffic? What can you do?


“Why is this happening to me??” is a huge cause of stress.

It is happening to you - what will you do?

Don’t avoid - sometimes you just have to do it (whatever it is). Sooner you do it, sooner it’s done and you can stop thinking about it.

OK -

If you’d like to overcome stress and struggle the best foundation I know is meditation.

Meditation gives you that awareness and clarity to see and act in a non-stressful way.

It means you can be present and focussed no matter what is going on around you.

Meditation won’t get rid of your problems, but it will put them in perspective so they’re easier to deal with.

Want the easy, simple, powerful way to meditate?

Head here, opt in and I'll send you a Quick Start Guide To Effortless Meditation that you can get going on, and we'll talk more:

Go well! Arjuna


Why do people shift house and have a baby at the same time?

What sort of clear thinking went into that decision?

haha - exactly! -